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  • A man in a shower gets bruises from his hard water.
  • A bat crashes into a tree, so the radar repair service comes to help.
  • Chickens wait in an alley to attack a politician who promises a chicken in every pot.
  • A woman reads "Understanding Computers for Dummies" while a computer reads "Understanding Dummies for Computers."
  • A container of Milk Duds has explosives that aren't "duds."
  • A woman flosses with her necklace at a date.
  • A vampire reads his son Jack and the Beanstalk and gets hungry at the mention of blood.
  • A kitten goes trick or treating dressed as a vacuum.
  • Two lizard monsters dressed as people exchange humans -- "Slim Jim" and "Baby Ruth" -- after trick or treating.
  • A kid is scared that rain will ruin his trick or treating, but his dad hopes it will rain so he can eat the Halloween candy.
  • Frankenstein calls IT to get help putting in his monster's brain because they know how to install memory.
  • A police officer thinks he will win best costume at the department Halloween party, but the other cops are also dressed as donuts.

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