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  • Martha Stewart leaves her body parts to her friends to make home d'cor out of.
  • The three not-so-wise men make inconsiderate comments to their wives around Christmas.
  • A tick hides his head in a person's skin when his wife tries to argue with him.
  • Dogs have to wear antiperspirant on their tongues because that's how they sweat.
  • The kid who first sang "Jingle Bells, Santa Smells" gets coal in his stocking even as an old man.
  • A girl spins a dreidel for the first time while a twister forms outside her house.
  • Charlie Brown's surgeon preps him with a zig-zag line around his torso.
  • Starfish think the star on top of the Christmas tree must be in pain.
  • A woman thinks someone has toilet papered her house, but it's just her daughter's long Christmas wish list.
  • Having a tank of piranhas encourages hands-off management.
  • Dilbert goes to the doctor because his tie keeps poking him in the eye when he ties his shoe.
  • A fork asks her husband where he learned to spoon.

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